22 Tháng mười, 2024

Opening Mass

After the opening ceremony, the people celebrate the Cross of the Cross, celebrated at 10:45 am at Hang Xanh Church, presided by Metropolitan Savio Hon Tai-Fai.

Sharing the Gospel, Fr. Savio Hon Tai-Fai has raised three points of reflection on the feast of the Cross:

– The wisdom of faith: Today’s liturgy invites us to look to the Cross with the eyes of faith to contemplate Christ, “the wisdom of God” (1 Cor 1:24). The purpose of HVCG is to promote theological reflection on reason and faith. Educate how to get the wisdom of faith.

– The joy of mission: A good education is always a transmission from the heart to the heart. When such a transmission occurs, natural joy appears. So, what would LVNV become a community capable of transforming their joy into missionary joy.

– The power of sanctification: For the faithful, the wisdom of God is the sanctifying power of love, a permanent treasure. Thus, the study of theology is the path of grace leading to holiness. By this, the student’s faith becomes stronger through the sheer beauty of the divine mysteries.

After the lecture, the Faculty was professed in canonical faith. The purpose of the profession of faith is that the teacher promises to preserve, teach, transmit the Catholic apostolic faith.

Mass ends at 12:00 the same day. After that, everyone attends Agape meal at Hang Xanh parish.

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